Monday, July 18, 2011

Music Addiction: Robert Miles' Children

Music is definitely not my forte but of late I've been deeply drawn into piano based musical pieces. One track that I've been loving is the english cover by the sibling duo peuyeumus did for a song called 'Fiction' by Beast . While I was swept away by the beautiful voice of Angky, it was the the piano section from this song that reminded me of a track called Children by Robert Miles.

My curiosity has lead me to search this very song and it was then that I rediscovered my love for this very DJ.

The first time I listened to Children was back in 1996. Back then I was wondering who is Robert Miles and why is my brother constantly putting this track on repeat. I gave this song a chance and what captivated me about this track was the calm yet energy charged simple melody that bring such strong emotions. It's amazing that 15 years later the feelings that I once had has not changed. In fact my love for the piano riff grew deeper. And it's because of this my interests for classical music grew stronger. Each time when I listen to this song I can always feel my feet tapping away and my heart constantly skipping a beat. :)

I have to applaud Robert Miles for the composition of the piano riff. Listening to this song always gives me the sense of exhilaration, calm and peace. My perfect song to listen to on a lazy day or night.

Here's is another great track from this awesome DJ